Sir: We have a major problem of raccoons defecating on our roof. We have identified three spots they particularly like and have tried cleaning the areas and putting repellant in the area to no avail. We have purchased a motion detection water sprinkler to try and deter them. Do you have any other suggestions? My […]
vole control around septic tank
Dear Sirs: I have several spots of voles in my yard. The worst is in our septic system and I am afraid they are breeding in the infiltrators of the septic system, which provide a large tunnel. Near the septic system we have a hedge of 50′ where we have planted trees and bushes. I […]
chewing on cement
I have a hole in my cement slab in my house. It keeps getting bigger. I finally poured some hydraulic cement in it. Are there any animals that will eat or dig in the cement? I live in the St. Louis area but in Illinois. M. L. There are many animals that can chew through […]
armadillo repellent
I know you advertise Armadillo repellent but I can’t seem to find it. Also you have a granular guard the one I see is liquid where is the one for the dry repellent? Thx…Ron We do have some armadillo repellents which can be seen on our ARMADILLO PRODUCT PAGE. The most common ones we sell […]
keep cat off property
I am looking for something that will keep other cats off my property, but will not bother my cat. ??? My cat is being terrorized by my neighbors cat, this cat keeps coming over here on our porch and attacking my cat, also goes up to our windows and looks for her, pee’s all over […]