I found your website and was reading about Mold Blaster. How much does a gallon cost and how effective is it on carpet? Thanks. One of the most common uses for MOLD BLASTER is on carpets. After problems are resolves caused by flooding or water pipe leaks, Mold Blaster is a good product to deploy […]
hide or black carpet beetles
Our home has an infestation of a bug identified by a local expert as a hide beetle. They are a small black beetle with a white underside. On your website you describe hide beetles as good flyers, but we have never seen one of these bugs fly. They only crawl on the floor & occasionally […]
how to get rid of carpet beetles
Dear Jonathan, I have read your info on carpet beetles. I am way past that point. They are in my appliances. They are chipping pieces off my wooden floor. My microwave is 3 years old, and I took it apart the other day and I see this tar like mass going down the back. I […]