Good morning
This morning was the start of my weight loss program and unfortunately I had to cut my morning walk short because there was a yellow jacket swarming at my head. I decided to conduct research regarding these most annoying pests and found your web site. You have a lot of great information and I was wondering if there is anything you can recommend when being swarmed by these pests. Thank you in advance.
Yellowjackets are attracted to many scents and for some reason, common deodorants, perfume and other skin and hair products seem to attract this most unwanted visitor. Additionally, they like sweat and many times will be attracted to someone working out. This is especially true in dry climates. Lastly, they feed on decomposing animals which release CO2. When we work out, we tend to release a lot of CO2 which can bring them as well. The bottom line is that going outside and doing some very common things can attract unwanted yellowjackets and they love to swarm around your head once they find you.
Fortunately there are a few things you can do to minimize this behavior. First, review the online article we have posted. In our YELLOWJACKET CONTROL article at the beginning you’ll see links to products like DEET LOTION, DEET and PERMETHRIN. All of these can be used as a good repellent for yellowjackets