Could bats be nesting under neath my shed since I hear chirping sounds when I walk on the floor of my shed. I can see no visual signs of entry beneath the shed flooring.
Would you have a product that I can disburse around the base of the shed?
I have seen bats roost under many items close to the ground including buckets, boxes and mailboxes. The bottom side of shed that’s elevated could very well provide enough space for them to enter and hang. It wouldn’t surprise me if they are but my first thought is have you looked? If you see some Bat Guano accumulating on the ground under the shed, it would be a good indicator that in fact some are around. You can see what this would look like in the pictures of this post which show the droppings that can amass when bats are allowed to live in one area.
If you’re not able to see what’s nesting there and want to apply something to chase them off, consider some of the options listed in our BAT CONTROL ARTICLE. The BAT REPELLENT GRANULES will work on different animals and would be a good option for sure. Apply enough to cover the area according to the label which is 8 oz per 200 sq/ft. This would be an area approximately 10 ft by 20 ft and renew the application every two weeks till they’re gone.
Here are direct links to the information and products mentioned above:
Bat Control Article:
Bat Repellent Granules:
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