I have a cat that attacks birds at my bird feeder on my deck. After reviewing your website, it appears that product 747788 would be the best one to consider. Please let me know if you agree.
That said, I foster dogs for Guide Dogs for the Blind. Is it possible to have a frequency that would annoy cats (and squirrels would be a bonus) but not bother dogs? I can always turn it off when the door to the deck is open, so this is not insurmountable provided that the product eliminates the cat from the feeders.
Actually, the best unit for the job would be the CAT STOPPER. It focuses in on a frequency cats don’t like (21-25 khz) but this frequency will have little to no effect on any other animal. The YARD GUARD (Item # 747788) would be my second choice; it covers a larger band of sound (15-25 khz) and therefore should be considered if you have other animals you’d like to repel. Unfortunately neither will affect squirrels much; for this you’d need one of the units listed in our squirrel section. But no doubt a Cat Stop strategically placed to cover the area where the cat likes to approach, sit or attack birds either on or around the deck should keep them away.
As for the impact this unit would have on people or pets; no need for concern. Ultra Sound can be at worse irritating to people and animals; it doesn’t actually do anything bad when used in the decibel range our units generate. the sounds will at worse be irritable to the target animals ears and when they encounter such sounds, most animals will merely move away. Cats are no doubt more affected by them compared to other animals which is why these units make such a great tool when one wants to repel a nuisance cat. Dogs tend to be affected by them when they are foraging onto land they don’t know or commonly occupy. Your pets would probably be indifferent to the sound once they heard it several times but in general, if you’re able to keep the units off when your pets are in the area that would be preferred.
Here are direct links to the information and products listed above:
Cat Stopper: http://www.bugspray.com/catalog/products/page2163.html
Yard Gard: http://www.bugspray.com/catalog/products/page851.html#747788
Squirrel Control Products: http://www.bugspray.com/catalog/products/page358.html
Cat Control Products: http://www.bugspray.com/catalog/products/page458.html
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