Your site is excellent. You seem to have a control method for almost everything except mother in laws and leaf miners.
I can control my mother in law OK but I would be interested to know why you don’t list leaf miner control in your A to Z listing.
Leaf Miners are a major nuisance once they get active in any plant. Small infestations in ground cover or trees can go unnoticed but when they attack our vegetable gardens, just one infested leave becomes very noticeable. Fortunately they’re easy to control.
For non-editable plants in the landscape, treat with BIFEN and SPREADER STICKER. The Spreader Sticker will enable the Bifen to penetrate into the leaves where the miners are active and hard to spray directly. The organic option for these areas would be the GRUB KILLER RTS.
For vegetable gardens, go with the MULTIPURPOSE INSECT KILLER. This product can be sprayed on anything edible and will kill leaf miners quickly. But it won’t last long so expect to treat weekly till the problem is cured.
Here are direct links to the information and products listed above:
Spreader Sticker:
Grub Killer RTS:
Multipurpose Insect Killer:
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