I read your write up on handling nats but this is on the inside of the house because of a lemon tree outside the door with fruit rotting. They got the fruit but I still have a huge nat problem. Can a fogger be used in the house? It is a small unit and mainly in the kitchen. Thanks.
No doubt you could use a FOGGER to kill what’s inside the home right now. But will this solve the problem? Probably not. That’s because whatever moved inside is no doubt reproducing inside if it’s been more than a few days since you started seeing them. More importantly, the tree just outside your door is probably growing more too so in the end, if you go the fogger route, you’ll need to apply them over and over. This would not be the best choice for controlling the problem but here are some “better suited” options that will work great and solve the problem at it’s root.
First, you need to treat the lemon tree with some MULTIPURPOSE INSECT KILLER. Mix up enough to treat the tree 1-2 times and spray it daily for 4-5 days. This can be done first thing in the morning or later in the evening. Since this is an organic spray, it won’t provide any residual which is why you need to spray daily for a few days. This will break the cycle of the gnat.
Second, take any indoor plants you have and lightly spray them too. Any nats which are inside might have targeted indoor plants once inside the home. Also spray down the soil in the potted plant as there are lots of nats that love nesting in soil. If possible, take these outside when spraying and then within 5-10 minutes they can come back inside.
Third, use AQUACIDE for the inside of the home. It will only take 5 seconds worth of spray for most any room and lightly misting them daily for a week or so should do the job for all the ones you’re seeing inside. Aquacide won’t provide any residual so you’ll need to use it daily. Either once in the morning or once at night should do the job but if you find them reappearing within one day, go for twice a day sprayings. In the end, the Aquacide will be doing what a fogger would do but be a lot more cost effective.
Lastly, if you have a “sinkerator”, treat it with some SURVIVORS. There are many species of nats which love living down the drain and Survivors is the best option for removing these nest sites.
Here are direct links to the information and products listed above:
Multipurpose Insect Killer: http://www.bugspraycart.com/organic/liquid/multi-purpose-insect-killer-24-oz
Aquacide: http://www.bugspraycart.com/insecticide/aerosol/aquacide-aerosol-20-oz
Survivors: http://www.bugspraycart.com/sanitizer/liquid/survivors
Total Release Fogger: http://www.bugspraycart.com/insecticide/aerosol/indoor-fogger-6-oz
Kate says
Thanks for your help!