I am looking for a product to get rid of these but the product MUST be safe for our dogs.
Please let me know if you have anything for this.
In fact all of the products we listed in our BOX ELDER BUG CONTROL article are safe for use around pets and people when applied properly. Each of the product pages features a safety video which goes into great detail what one must do to use and store our products and if you watch these clips, you’ll learn that in most all cases nothing special is required to do safe and effective treatments. It’s mostly common sense, like keeping the pets away during the treatment and until it dries, that matters the most. But everything is covered in these clips and after watching them I’m sure you’ll have a good understanding of how to about treating without posing undue risk to any person or pet on your premises.
Box Elder Bug Control: http://www.bugspray.com/articles98/boxelder.html
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