Hi, we have had a pharoh ant problem for the last month or so. I have done the “three prong” approach spraying with cypermethrin inside and out, spreading ant granules outside in the area where I think they may be entering the house, and putting out bait stations. They don’t seem to be lessening at all. I even spread some delta dust outside to see if that has any effect. The only thing I’m thinking is that the baits (which were from a box I bought last year) might be old and dried up. Perhaps I need to get some new ones?
In most cases, the “three prong approach” our ANT CONTROL article details will do the job on most any ant. But there are a few ant species which require a slightly different approach and Pharaoh ants are one of these species. For now, I suggest you quit spraying inside. You can proceed with the outside treatments but inside do nothing other than using the bait (even if you think it’s not good anymore, go ahead and use it all up).
More importantly, I strongly suggest you get some PHANTOM AEROSOL. This product should be applied inside where you see the ants active. It’s a slow acting ingredient which is very “stealthy” and not easy to detect. Ants will walk over treated surfaces and in doing so will pick up the active ingredient and in turn they’ll share the active with other members of the colony. In the week or two following your inside treatments, the nest will be destroyed.
Phantom is virtually odorless and ideal for use inside since it goes on “dry”. But remember, it’s slow acting and this is by design. In the end, this slow action is what makes it so effective.
Here are direct links to the information and products listed above:
Ant Control Article: http://www.bugspray.com/article/ants.html
Phantom Aerosol: http://www.bugspraycart.com/insecticide/aerosol/pt-phantom-17-5oz
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