I live in Las Vegas and my home and property is infested with scorpions. I have been bitten at least 8 times and my husband several times as well. I have an acre of property. Currently I have a “safe” spray for the inside/outside and quarterly spraying of more potent material. My neighbors spray constantly as well. All wood piles, compost, vines on house have been removed. About half of the property is landscaped with grass, flower beds, trees, etc. The other half is open area with dirt and a few trees with a large RV garage. Please advise as to what is needed for an aggressive knockdown and ongoing elimination of these “pests from hell”. Thank you.
First I suggest you read through our SCORPION CONTROL ARTICLE. This will both enlighten you to how this pest behaves and why they seem attracted to some property more than others. Our article also highlights all the products you need to get the property and home treated safely and effectively.
Second, the one main point our article makes is that in most all cases it’s important to get these guys where they are originating from. Though it sounds like you’re spraying, you don’t mention what’s being done “in the yard” or exactly where you’re treating inside the home. This is vitally important.
So with that being said, lets start outside. The DELTA G GRANULES are one of the best products that can be used in the turf and if your infestation is fueled by an outdoor population, it’s imperative you treat out there throughout the year. By keeping the outside scorpion population in check, you’ll no doubt reduce the number you find inside. Next make sure you’re spraying the foundation with a good and strong professional product like CYKICK CS.
But once they get inside (which it sounds like is the case now at your home), simply spraying a liquid every now and then won’t help much. You’ll need to install the SCORPION TRAPS throughout the home to help monitor local activity and clue you in on trouble spots as they develop. And though you can spray the liquid Cykick inside to handle any activity in the living spaces, it’s much better to use CYKICK AEROSOL. This low odor residual product is quick acting and with it’s straw injector tube, you can get it where scorpions like to nest and hide without making a mess during the treatment.
Lastly, don’t forget crawl spaces or attics. If you have either in your home, they need to be inspected and considered a prime nesting location. Scorpions typically forage into these areas when invading homes and many times these areas of the house can be scorpion generators if left untreated. A good product for these spaces is a dust formulation and DRIONE is one the best you can use. It lasts a long time and makes such areas harsh to utilize for any insect. Dust is also ideal for these spaces and by far more efficient to use compared to any other product.
In summary, just spraying a liquid will rarely solve a scorpion problem. In most cases you’ll need to get them in the yard with granules as well as wall voids and/or attic spaces with a dust to have a real impact. Make sure you doing a combination of these treatments and your scorpion control program will be complete.
Here are direct links to the information and products listed above:
Scorpion Control: http://www.bugspray.com/article/scorpions.html
Delta G Granules: http://www.bugspraycart.com/insecticide/granule/delta-guard-20-lb
Cykick CS: http://www.bugspraycart.com/insecticide/liquid/pt-cykick-cs-16-oz
Scorpion Traps: http://www.bugspraycart.com/traps/pheromone-and-food/scorpion-insect-lizard-15-pk
Cykick Aerosol: http://www.bugspraycart.com/insecticide/aerosol/pt-cykick-17-5-oz
Drione: http://www.bugspraycart.com/insecticide/dust/drione-dust
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