I have read up about psocids on your website and just wanted to clarify something re: psocid eggs. The article says eggs hatch in 2-4 weeks. In another place, it says eggs can live until the temperature is favorable for them to return. I have gotten psocids inside my apartment I believe from water damage from skylights, reconstruction, some mold, etc. I had a Pest Control company come in 5 months ago, and I have not seen any live ones in at least 4 months. However, it has been winter (I live in Maine) and the humidity in my apartment has been 50% or less.
Can I assume that my problem has been eliminated since it has been 4+ months, or can eggs survive until the warmer, humid months come. (I am moving out of this apartment in a couple weeks and don’t want to take any of these pests with me!)
Thanks for your help,
Sorry for the psocid egg confusion… In fact, both articles are seemingly accurate. In favorable conditions, eggs can hatch in 2-4 weeks. But as is the case with most of natures insects, they don’t always “hatch” randomly. In other words, many will remain in egg stages waiting till conditions around them are “ideal” and only then take chance to venture out and risk complete exposure to the elements. This ensures the species will continue to thrive and prosper.
This is especially true in cold climates (like Maine). Imagine if all the insects currently in egg or pupal stages came out in the middle of winter, say January, when it’s below freezing? Clearly this would have a dramatic impact on any insect population and could theoretically wipe them out. So to prevent this from happening, nature has enabled most insects to know when it’s OK to come out. This “OK time” is usually spring or summer but when the population is reproducing inside the home, it could be anytime of year. This is especially true with psocids.
One thing we do know; Psocids are commonly found where it’s moist. Traditionally this means they will be active in the spring and summer months. During the winter when a heating system is in active it usually gets too dry for them to flourish. That being said, will the eggs die? No. In fact, I’m sure there are some around in books, around window frames or some other location mentioned in our PSOCID CONTROL ARTICLE. That being said, should you be concerned about transporting them? Probably not unless there were well entrenched on something like books or some other item you plan on taking with you during the move. If you are moving something that was previously infested, you might consider doing a little “preventive” maintenance prior to packing your belongings to insure you don’t allow any uninvited guests to come along for the ride.
Boxes you plan on using for the move can be safely treated with some PYGANIC DUST if you are worried they may be infested. Psocids love cellulose and boxes are prime real estate for them to thrive. These can also be treated with some PY-CYKICK AEROSOL. This odorless aerosol can be lightly misted over the inside areas of the box prior to packing. Let them dry for a day and this will insure nothing will be moving with you inside the box to your new location.
I also recommend doing some light treating around any book cases, shelving, cabinets and window frames in the new living space just prior to unpacking. This will insure anything you bring with you won’t be able to set up shop in the new location. This effort will also ensure anything in the structure before you arrive (like roaches or other common pests) won’t be able to infest your belongings after you move in. The PT-Cykick is well suited for this task with it’s straw injector tip, low odor and easy to use design.
In summary, any structure with pests inside can expect to see them active any time of year regardless of the season outside. If you have an active population of insects and plan on moving to another abode, chances are high there could be some of the problem making the move with you if their existence is simply ignored. A good defensive application can go a long way at preventing any future problem and the treatments detailed above should be all required. If you have more questions or concerns, please give us a call on our toll free 1-800-877-7290.
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