Hello Bugspray .com!
I have a little variation on the stink bug infestation mentioned on your web page.
My car is infested!
I have vacuumed out literally hundreds of these little critters.
The infestation started last summer…..didn’t see too many over the winter but the warmer it gets the more they come out.
I am now in the habit of going through the car before I go anywhere to remove the ones that have come out.
I usually find a dozen or so.
I have removed all my door panels, the molding around the door openings and the trunk and vacuumed them out.
I also vacummed under the carpeting while the trim/molding was removed.
I came home from a weekend trip and this morning found nearly one hundred of them, mostly dead from the heat inside the car(?) it was a warm weekend.
I vacuums out the car but stopped about halfway to work and removed another twenty that had come out.
Can you recommend a treatment for a car?
I would ask that you keep in mind that I have two young children that ride with me daily.
Anything you can think of is greatly appreciated.
Clearly there is an infestation of magnitude here and you will need to do some treating if you wish to get rid of them once and for all. Considering the numbers you’ve seen and the length of time this has been going on, I’m surprised you’ve waited so long.
First, I encourage you to view our video to make sure you do indeed have stinkbugs. This can be seen in our Stinkbug Control article.
Second, once you are 100% sure you have this pest, consider three treatment options. The two chemical options listed are derived from plants and exempt from labeling because of their minimum risk when used. They would be considered organic or non-toxic and ideally suited for something like a car where people will be in close proximity to the treatment location.
1) Use the ECO Exempt KO in all the cracks and crevices where you think they might be nesting. This can be done as needed; generally once every 1-2 weeks till the problem is resolved would be wise.
2) Set out some Insect Glue Traps on the floor to see if they will forage to the traps thus eliminating the aggressive moving stinkbugs. This won’t solve the problem but might give you a clue as to where the bulk of the problem is located. If trap in the back of the car catch more, focus treatments in the trunk, etc. If more are caught up front, the dash or engine compartment might be where they are living.
3) If they seem to be mostly on the carpet, consider spraying with ECO IC periodically to get some residual in place. This will help kill off the ones that are foraging when no one is in the car and ultimately could be what solves the problem unless you are able to find the nest location’s’ and treat them directly with the KO aerosol before it gets to this point.
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