Hello, can you please tell me if Ropel would be a good product as a preventative to spray on attic wiring and insulation to prevent any animal (that might get in there) from chewing on anything? How long would Ropel last and how frequently would it have to be applied to attic (or basement) items? […]
squirrel chewing motorcycle wires
I found your web site whilst seeking information about controlling squirrels. I would like some information on the best product or combination of products to use for my problem. There are a great many squirrels in our area (east side of Dallas, Texas). I don’t know what kind they are, but they are mostly reddish-brown […]
cats using yard as litter box
We have a real bad problem with neighboring cats. On one side of us the neighbors have 13 cats. On the other side of us the neighbors have about 20-25 cats. They use our yard as a kitty litter box and the smell is unbelievably bad. We live in the southwest where the temperature gets […]
springtails in bathroom
I was glad to find your website; I’m hoping you can give me some suggestions. We bought a new house in April and two months later I noticed one night the bathroom floor crawling with what I now know are spring tails. We have had Orkin pest control here countless times and the only thing […]
earwigs eating zinnias
I have a big problem with ear wigs eating my zinnias. I tried dust, bugs spray but no luck. Please let me know what can I used to get rif of this pest. Thank you A.O. This is an easy one. There are many insects that will target specific plants for a wide range of […]