Hello, can you please tell me if Ropel would be a good product as a preventative to spray on attic wiring and insulation to prevent any animal (that might get in there) from chewing on anything? How long would Ropel last and how frequently would it have to be applied to attic (or basement) items?
Thanks bunches :-)
PS…just out of curiosity, you wouldn’t happen to be able to answer the following question?
–My friend went outside in her backyard at night, heard a very deep growling sound, and the next day there was a VERY large pile of excrement where she heard the growling. She’s convinced it was a bear, however, bears are not usually in this area (Cleveland, Ohio). Sometimes there are 1 or 2 black bear sightings an hour or two east of us, but it would be VERY rare in Cleveland. Any ideas what it could ‘actually’ have been?
First I’ll answer your “PS” question. You’ll need to consult with your local wildlife office to see what animals they believe it could be. A quick search on the internet yields several accounts of bears being reported in and around the Cleveland area but I cannot tell if any of the reports are legit. But your local Department of Natural Resources should have a running history of such reports and know for sure if they’re active in the area.
As for the ROPEL use in the attic; no doubt it can be used as a repellent to deter animals from chewing wires. Ropel tastes bad and will stop most any animal from chewing any place the Ropel is applied. Since your attic should be sheltered from direct weather impact, treatments would last several weeks if not a few months.
That being said, the ideal way to control this behavior would be to live trap and remove any animal you know is active in your attic. No doubt wire chewing is a very real threat should you allow access by any kind of wild animal. But there are many other reasons why you should remove the invader since they’ll no doubt be leaving excrement, making a mess of the insulation and could very well chew on the structure causing structural damage. The bottom line is your attic should be kept free and clear of anything wild to insure the home remains a safe place for you and your family.
Ropel: http://www.bugspraycart.com/repellents/liquid/ropel-liquid
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