I have multiple problems, cluster flies and stink bugs get into my house, and carpenter bees drill along one side of my eaves. If I get cypermethrin for the stink bugs and the carpenter bees will that also control the cluster flies. I could not find anything particularly about cluster flies on your web site.
If you review our STINKBUG CONTROL and CARPENTER BEE CONTROL articles, you’ll see CYPERMETHRIN is a good product to use on either of them. It sounds like you’ve been able to find that information already but were not able to find our CLUSTER FLY CONTROL article. In this section you’ll learn that Cypermethrin is once again a good choice so to answer your question, yes, it will also control the cluster flies.
The article also lists our FLY POWDER TRAPS which are excellent to use inside on windows, where cluster flies like to congregate, as well as a dust called Drione that can be used in wall voids, attics and other spaces where the flies are thought to be nesting. Currently Drione is not in production due to a massive world wide shortage of Pyrethrin but if you feel you want to do some dusting, get the PYGANIC DUST. It’s very close to Drione in it’s composition and side by side will work just as well.
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