Can you spray for camel crickets outside when it is in the 30’s or colder?
Thanks for your help!
Camel crickets (also known as cave crickets, spider crickets and camelback crickets) will invade homes in the fall seeking shelter from the cold of winter. During this time they’ll thrive in wall voids, crawl spaces and basements. On warm days they’ll forage outside but for the most part, they’ll exist inside the home foraging up into living areas from time to time. If left untreated, they’ll establish themselves as described in our online CAMEL CRICKET CONTROL article.
The ESFENVALERATE listed in the article can be sprayed outside and inside the home at any time. Since most structures will conduct the warmth of the home to the outside perimeters of the structure, it’s not unusual to see some crickets forage to this area. They love to feed on algae, mold and other small organic matter found on brick, siding and up under decks. But in general they will not be able to survive the temps or even want to be outside when you are showing “30’s” on the outside thermometer. However, if you are seeing them active in this area, it would be well advised to do a good foundation spraying. This will ensure you get any that do forage out and also cover you should there be a nest in some protected pocket of the home you cannot get to from inside.
Lastly, if the home has a crawl space or basement, treating it with the NIBAN or DELTAMETHRIN DUST would be strongly suggested as well. And setting up some CRICKET TRAPS can also help monitor and reduce local inside activity. If you have further questions, give us a call on our toll free at 1-800-877-7290.
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