Hi, I have a question about the Ropel Granules. There is a neighborhood dog who consistently defecates in my front yard. I would like to use something that stops this behavior. But I have a dog of my own and the area where the neighbor dog is going is right on the other side of the fence where my dog goes (in the back yard). If I use the granules on one side of the fence, will it affect the area on the other side of the fence where my dog is?
What would you suggest?
There are several product options which would work for this problem. If the dog is acting on it’s own, setting out one of our ULTRA SOUND DEVICES will certainly help big time. It can be directed to where he’s active and since the sound is directional, it will only affect him and not your dog. It works off a motion sensor so it won’t be on all the way.
The ROPEL GRANULES can also be used and they won’t affect your dog either. I’m not sure it will be as good of a solution compared to the Ultra Sound but if the dog is being walked by it’s owner, placing some PESTICIDE SIGNS out there too would definitely make it work.
These products and others can be seen in our Dog Control section here:
Dog Control Products: http://www.bugspray.com/catalog/products/page171.html
Ultra Sound Devices: http://www.bugspray.com/catalog/products/page848.html
Ropel Granules: http://www.bugspray.com/catalog/products/page167.html
Pesticide Signs: http://www.bugspray.com/catalog/products/page1466.html
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