Our yard is approx 90×90 and we have thoundands of digger bees. How deep do they burrow? What is the best way for us to get rid of them?
In general digger bees will only tunnel 8-12 inches. Though it’s common to have hundreds and sometimes even thousands in one yard, they are solitary. This means their nests only have one female and several eggs. When their young are able to lay eggs, they’ll attempt to do so where they themselves were born. The net result (when left untreated) is a yard full of digger bees. It sounds like this might be the case in your situation.
To control them requires putting out some of the CYFLUTHRIN GRANULES we have listed in our DIGGER BEE CONTROL ARTICLE. Next, spray the ESFENVALERATE over the same area. You should get quick results with most active adults dying in the first day. However, it will take a few treatments to break the cycle. In most all cases there will be more “rounds” of pupae hatching every few days and when they do, new adults will appear. In the worst case scenario, you may have to treat twice a week till the problem runs it’s course which could be 2-4 weeks. But in most cases 2-3 treatments for the season is all that’s needed.
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