I have a problem with some fox taking guineas from my farm. Right now we have a lot of high grasses in the area where they’re active. There isn’t much loose dirt, but a lot of brush and trees. The foxes can go under or over the orchard fence or even through it because it is deer fence – maybe 6 inch squares. They come in during the day and were taking a single guinea that was foraging in the high grass. We know the foxes also come in and take eggs. Their den is about 3/4 mile away on a hillside on private property. The guineas are in a fenced area at night (with hot wire). At this point I want to start working a fox trapline to get the problem under control. What equipment would you recommend?
Here is a great starter list that should cover most all you need.
1 ea 826605 – Driver to drive stakes that hold trap in place.
12 ea 826610 – Stakes to hold trap in place.
1 ea 288330 – Ground Hog 3 in 1 tool for making sets and hammering Driver
1 ea 288320 – Sifter Diamond for rocky clay soil.
1 ea 288242 – Trappers Cap for 1.75 coil traps Keeps dirt out of trapping mechanism when making set.
1 ea 825363 – Red Fox Gland
1 ea 745263 – Red Fox Urine 1/2 gallon
1 ea 826014 – Trap Die to protect trap from rust and ensure quick action.
12 of the #1.75 Coil traps # 822533
1 – Coyote/Fox Book # 281375
1 – 64 oz fox urine # 745263
This is everything I would use on a trap line like you will be setting up. Most of these things will last you forever if you take care of them. Other than the Urine and Lure. Happy trapping!!
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