Which of your products would you recommend to keep frogs out of an ‘above ground’ self-contained jacuzzi.
The picture in the attached is similar, but my jacuzzi is a 2 person rectangle.
They are breeding.. I think.. I’m thinking about getting some netting, putting elastic and then placing the netting with the elastic coming 5-6″ down from the top, and then the cover on top. They can ‘sneak’ under the cover. I’ve thought about putting ‘weight’ on the cover, but think they will still find a way in.
What kind of poisons could I sprinkle around the jacuzzi? or spray.. other ideas? Desperate.. I want to use my jacuzzi without FROGS in it. Thank you in advance for any ideas.
Frogs are attracted to moisture and the small ponds, pools and jacuzzis people set up in their yard will almost certainly attract any in the area. Obviously this can be a problem if they start getting into the water.
First, the placement of some screening will help. The screen will have to be a small enough mesh so they are not able to fit through it. Additionally, it will have to be placed either over the top of the water or somewhere on the ground in order to “block” the frogs from getting to the water. We actually carry a light, durable and easy to handle SCREENING that might help. It comes in 4 foot wide by 1 foot tall sections but you order it to could be cut to size and then “fit” over the needed area.
Second, the use of some PEST RID SPRAY over the areas would definitely help. As our on line article on FROG CONTROL explains, Pest Rid will provide immediate protection by chasing the frogs away and keeping them away. It can be applied to just about any surface too making it ideal for use on around the jacuzzi, on the home and any plants they may be using to roost or hide.
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