I am seeing a lot of carpenter ants in my yard and I don’t want them nesting in my house. I’ve read your TERRIFIC carpenter ant article and want to set out some carpenter ant bait. But I also want to spray the foundation to insure none get inside. Which of the baits and concentrates would you say are best?
All the products we have listed do a great job and there really isn’t a “best”. That being said, in my yard I use the Carpenter Ant Bait granules around the property line, especially on the back of my house, where I live alongside a lot of trees. Ants are foraging in this area all the time and I know the bait is getting them before they ever make it to my house. I also spray the outside foundation with the Cypermethrin we have listed. It works fast, lasts a month or more, and is well suited for virtually any perimeter pest. Getting them early in the season is key to stopping nests so you’re doing the right thing treating now before they’re established.
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