Hello, I just read your article and would like to thank you for all the information you provided. I have two questions to ask. Can a stink bug lay eggs anywhere other than leaves? The other one is would they go inside a mattress? My situation was we found stink bugs in our public storage unit, two bugs were sitting on the outside facing of a mattress. I am worried if they could burrow or dig their way into the mattress.
Thank you for your time,
In fact Stink Bugs are members of the “bug” family and therefore closely related to other pests like Boxelder Bugs and Bed Bugs. Most people know BED BUGS which can be a problem in bedding and mattresses. But Bed Bugs thrive on blood and therefore need to live and nest close to their food supply. STINK BUGS feed on different food and therefore aren’t likely to choose a mattress to nest. But could it happen? Absolutely. And in the cases where I’ve seen this be a problem has been where the nest site is something that’s being stored.
In your situation where there are items in a storage unit that have been observed to have Stink Bugs on them there is no doubt eggs could have been laid somewhere in the unit. This could have been on the mattress or somewhere else because once the Stink Bugs got inside, my guess is they effectively were trapped. Once trapped, any of their natural biological behavior could have occurred. Besides nesting and feeding, reproduction or egg laying would be right up there on the list of things they’d do. Of course there is no practical way to know for sure if any eggs were laid so for now I’d recommend doing a thorough inspection of the area to learn if you have a significant Stink Bug populous active in the unit. And if the items in storage are to remain in storage for any extended length of time, I’d recommend doing a topical application with some AQUACIDE AEROSOL. Relatively safe and easy to apply, it will knock down anything in the unit pest wise but won’t last long enough to contaminate anything. If you find more active and distributed throughout the facility, you might want to treat more extensively with the D-FORCE AEROSOL listed in our article.
Here are direct links to the information and products listed above:
Bed Bug Control Article: http://www.bugspray.com/article/bedbugs.html
Stink Bug Control Article: http://www.bugspray.com/article/stinkbug.html
Aquacide Aerosol: http://www.bugspray.com/item/aquacide_aerosol.html
D-Force Aerosol: http://www.bugspraycart.com/insecticide/aerosol/d-force-14-oz-aerosol
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