I have so many pillbugs in my basement. Could you tell me all of the things I would need to buy from you all to treat this problem both inside and outside. Thank you.
First, review our PILLBUG CONTROL ARTICLE. It will highlight everything you need to know about this pest including key treatment areas and tips on how to get rid of them for good. Pillbugs (also known as water bugs, sow bugs and rolly pollies) are easy to control with the right products. The one main product you’ll use for them is the TALSTAR INSECTICIDE. It’s odorless, easy to mix and lasts a month or more. You can use it inside and outside and for your initial treatment, you should go through at least 2-3 gallons to properly treat the entire area you need to get.
Next, set out some TALSTAR GRANULES around the home. Since pillbugs thrive in the mulch and soil adjacent to the home, it’s imperative that you treat these areas to insure you get them at their source. By stopping them in these key reproduction sites, you’ll indirectly be keeping them from gaining access to your home.
Lastly, keep some D-FORCE AEROSOL in the home ready to spray in case you see any activity in between the liquid treatments.
Here are direct links to the information and products listed above:
Pillbug Article: http://www.bugspray.com/articles99/pillbug.html
Talstar Liquid: http://www.bugspray.com/catalog/products/page645.html
Talstar Granules: http://www.bugspray.com/catalog/products/page643.html
D-Force: http://www.bugspraycart.com/insecticide/aerosol/d-force-14-oz-aerosol
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