I’ve ordered with you several times before and am back for more! Over the past two years, I’ve gotten lazy and have a pest control company coming in and treating the home for insects. For the most part, they only do perimeter and it’s costing me about $91.00 every two months. A little rich for my blood and I’d like to cancel it.
The insects we see the most, and are most concerned with are ants (Small red) and spiders. I read the articles on both and it looks like Lamda Cyhalothrin would be good for the spiders both inside and out, and Suspend would be good for the ants. I already have a quality pump sprayer.
Question – Can I mix Suspend and the Lamda in the sprayer at the same time? From what I see, I could spend on these two products and treat the home every other month for 3 years for what I pay to treat it in 3 months right now! Anything I am missing? Different recommendation?
This is an easy one and I think you’ll be happy with our answer; you only need to use one or the other and not both!!
You see, at WWW.BUGSPRAY.COM, we’ve gone to great lengths to list the “best” products for any one pest. If you were coming to us for your first time and had a problem with something specific, like a really bad problem, we’d say you need to use what we have listed for your target pest. But that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to get “cross pest” results. In other words, we know the Susspend will work for Ants and Spiders and vice versa. So for now, you only need to get one and then get to work. There is no need to use both and I’m sure if you apply either properly, you’ll be able to get the desired results (less to none of either pest) within a short period of time. The only thing I would add would be some ANT BAIT STATIONS if you are seeing them inside the home and some SPIDER TRAPS for inside if they’re active in living areas. Other than that, outside perimeter applications should keep both in check. Good luck!!
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