Thanks for getting back to me. I’m about to spray for the boxelder beetles but I have nne additional question……Will the Spreader Sticker ensure that the Viper does not wash away with rain? I plan on spraying all my front siding and it’s supposed to rain later in the week.
There is nothing that will insure protection from the rain. However, it does takes a lot of rain to wash away all the treatment and though you plan on treating the siding, remember that boxelder beetles come from the soil in the first place. Get them there and you’ll be getting them big time where it counts. So even if some of the treatment washes away, you’ll still be knocking their numbers down as the material soaks into the soil. The bottom line is your effort won’t be in vain or wasted; in the end even the run off will have a good impact and kill quite a few of the boxelders.
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