We are interested in the products you have for killing the cicada wasps. The area we have to treat is a hill about 50′ x 15′. Unfortunately it is very difficult to find the nests because there are plants such as junipers and other ground cover on the hill. There are a large number of wasps. If we were to use the two recommended products in a sprayer for a broad spectrum area, would it be safe for the plants? If not, what other alternatives do you have? Also, will these products work in general to kill bugs (spiders, earwicks, etc) on a lawn? My husband did pest control years gain and is familiar with some of the older products that worked well, but that are either no longer on the market or can only be purchased through a pest control store. Thanks for your assistance.
All the products we have listed in our CICADA KILLER CONTROL article are Ok to use on the lawn and ground cover vegetation. CYPERMETHRIN and SPREADER STICKER combined will be handle the cicada killers and it will take care of most any pest like ants, roaches, spiders and beetles.
The best way to apply the material will be the HOSE END SPRAYER because of the size of the area you are wanting to treat. Be sure to give it a good dose of the material using 2-3 oz of Cypermethrin and 4-6 oz of Spreader Sticker. This will insure you get good enough coverage. If there is still activity 1 week later, treat again.
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