Dear Sir:
I have this ongoing situation with no-seeums coming into the home. We live in Florida near the ocean not to mention
many marshes in and around our area. Prime areas for these pesky insects.
I have read a lot of literature about them and cannot seem to find anything to answer my two questions.
1 – When they bite, can you see them as they bite?
2 – Whenever they are in the home, can they live and breed in furniture, rugs etc?
Thank you
First, no-seeums are quite small and hard to see as they travel about. When they bite, they do indeed rest on the host and can be seen for a brief amount of time. This will be for however long they are resting on you and biting.
Second, they can take up residence inside homes but this usually only happens if there is someplace moist where they can live. Typically this will be where there is a leak of some kind or maybe in a plant soil pot. But most furniture and rugs will be too dry for them to live so this would not be a likely living or breeding site.
You can find more information in our No-seeum Control article including some treatment options that can work inside quite well.
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