Hey There,
I think I may have spoke to someone last year about this, but not sure. We moved into a brand new house on July 1st of last year. A month or so into living there, we discovered that we had booklice. We sent samples off to University of Georgia for confirmation. My wife was pregnant back then and we were concerned about pesticides. We are still concerned, since our baby is here and one of the worst areas is her room. I read the article you have on the website regarding your different options for the pesticides. Is there one that I could spray in her room, after she leaves for the day, that is non toxic or that will not harm her at any stage? My wife and I very nervous about spraying anything that is toxic or potentially harmful around our child. Do any of your solutions have issues, once it dries, or is it safe as long at my daughter doesn’t get near the applied area’s? Please advise. Thanks.
Booklice can be a persistent pest in and around the home. The products we have listed in our BOOKLICE PRODUCTS are all safe to use inside the home as long as you follow the video guidelines you can view available on each of the booklice product pages. For the most part, simply keeping children and pets away during the treatment is most important; other suggestions are covered in the video along with the recommended safety equipment to wear as well as how to safely store the materials left over.
Based on the problem you’re describing, The D-FORCE AEROSOL or the CYKICK CS would be the strongest option. Treatments with either would yield fast results and long term residual. The safest material in this section would be the PT-565. It uses Pyrethrin as the active and would “dissipate” following the treatment so again, it would pose little to no hazard.
Organic Booklice Products are an option too. We have a full line of NON TOXIC PRODUCTS including several aerosols that can be used inside the home safely. Some are even labeled for use on vegetables because they’re so safe. Though these products don’t last long, they would kill booklice quickly and can be used as often as needed. The ORGANIC HOUSEPLANT INSECT KILLER would be a great option as it would be safe, easy to use and effective. The ECO IC would be the strongest of these products; as a concentrate you would have to mix it up and apply it in a PUMP SPRAYER which is more work than using the aerosol. But it would work better and be less costly to use. Additionally it will work on many more pests so it would cover any pest control need and be a safe, viable option.
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