I have been having major problems with ground squirrels. I tried live traps and poison with no success. My backyard was loaded with holes and the sguirrels were all over the place. I finally decided to use traps even though I didn’t really want to kill the squirrels but they left me no choice. I ordered 6 of your bodygrip 55 and used them along with about 3 conibear 110 that I bought at a store. I liked your bodygrips better because they were smaller and the trigger posts were longer and did not allow the squirrels to get past. Finally success!!!
In less than 2 weeks I caught 11 squirrels and I haven’s seen any others for several days. I think I got their whole colony at least I hope so. Thought you might like to know.
T.O., CA
P.S. After looking at the dead ground squirrels I noticed they looked more like a rat or gopher than a gray ground squirrel. I didn’t feel so bad about offing them after that.
Ground squirrels are persistent and once established, can cause all kinds of damage. Our ground squirrel control article lists a lot of options on how to handle local infestations but clearly one of the best methods is the use of our bodygrip 55 traps. They’re small enough for anyone to handle safely and yet still very effective. Congrats on your success; with the experience you’ve accumulated in the past two weeks you should be ready to handle any attempt they make at reinfesting.
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