I have identified with 100% certainty a shrew problem at my residence. It is only an outside problem and was wondering which of your products would be best suited to eliminate them. Basically they are overrunning the perimeter of my home in the dirt and landscape beds. I’ve had limited success trapping them with conventional mouse snap traps which don’t weather well and rust very quickly.
In reading the article it seems your grub bait would be the bait of choice as I feel they are feeding on insect life around my home.
What I couldn’t come to a conclusion on however was what type of trap to purchase. I need one that will weather outside well (Northern Indiana climate). I would appreciate any recommendation you could provide to help me eliminate these persistent pests. I don’t care if they die when caught either. I want the best most efficient trap. One consideration in making a recommendation though is that I am away from home for days at a time and if a live catch trap is better suited to keep from discouraging still free ranging shrews at coming into the trap then I’m all for it. I mean if a shrew senses there is a dead shrew in a trap, its not likely to enter it I’m guessing.
One word about your website: Awesome! I have struggled to find information on the internet or anywhere for that matter on the shrew; it instead seems everything is geared toward Moles, gophers and more common pests. It is going to be great satisfaction when I eliminate them from my property and I know based on the vast amount of knowledge on your site that goal is now attainable! Thanks in advance, J.E.
Shrews are omnivores and though they prefer insects, they’ll feed on carrion including their own species. The scent of a dead shrew won’t alarm others but in fact will attract them. If you were to use the LT3310 and caught some live trapping that died in the trap, it would not be a problem. They might come sniffing around and I suspect they would even try to gain access. But the scent of the bead shrew wouldn’t be a problem. I’d go with some of these placed around the property baited with the GRUB LURE. If you have pine straw beds, I’d slide the trap under some straw, making a kind of cavern for it, with only the entry visible as this setup will get them inside faster.
Here are direct links to the products mentioned above:
LT3310 Shrew Trap: http://www.bugspray.com/catalog/products/page1725.html
Grub Bait: http://www.bugspray.com/catalog/products/page1722.html
Shrew Products: http://www.bugspray.com/catalog/products/page1710.html
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