Hi, we used alot of your products last summer. We got rid of many of our problem areas, so the springtails are less. But this is the situation. I am still getting some from the skylites in my bathroom. We have a cedar roof. When I knock on the gutters, some of the springtails are in the gutters. Are they in our cedar roof area near our skylites and what would I do to try to get rid of them there?
Springtails are very much creatures of opportunity. One thing they need more than anything else is moisture. That being said, they can in fact live in clogged gutters, up under shingles and under the siding of the house which leads to the roof. If this part of the house is facing north and constantly shaded or has had a moisture problem in the past, it could very well be harboring living and breeding springtails.
Treating the roof can sometimes be tough. Before you do, make sure the gutters are all cleaned and working properly. Make sure there is no organic debris, like leaves and other tree litter on the roof. And make sure the siding of the house isn’t buried below the soil level at any point around the house. Stucco houses or houses with some kind of veneer will many times have a void between the outside covering and the walls where springtails can then live and breed once they find their way up from the adjacent soil. If you find any such spaces, treat them with the DELTADUST featured in our SPRINGTAIL CONTROL ARTICLE. For the roof, dusting up under the shingles might be needed but if you can’t get up there to work safely, your best option might be to spray the CYONARA RTS over the areas where you suspect them to be living. This should help but ultimately if this area is able to dry out completely, the problem may cure itself.
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