Hi, I’ve been trying to figure out what these tiny bugs are around my bathroom sink and the baseboards of my bathroom, until I did some research and found that they are springtails. I have a contract with a pest control company and they were actually just here not two weeks ago spraying for spiders. I don’t understand how the springtails survived the spray? Unless it has something to do with the “nest?” Also, if they are around the baseboards of my bathroom, does that mean that there is wall damage from water somewhere on the inside of my walls? Do you think the nest is probably right inside the baseboards if that is where I first noticed them? How do you treat the nest if it is inside the wall somewhere, or drainage pipes? Sorry for all of the questions, but I just moved into this house and I have a toddler, so the idea of bugs inside my home scares me quite a bit. thanks-
First, I suggest you read our on line SPRINGTAIL CONTROL ARTICLE which explains all you need to know about springtails including how to treat for them. In the article you’ll learn that the basic “spraying” won’t help for them. This should explain why the pest control service you’ve been getting hasn’t helped much.
Second, it has everything to do with their “nest”. Based on where you’re seeing them, my first question is whether or not you’re on a slab. If you are, it means the springtails are most likely coming up through entry points around the pipes which would explain why you’re seeing them in the bathroom sink areas. As our article explains, these are very common routes of entry for slab type homes. If the bathroom is upstairs or over a basement, it would mean you most likely have them nesting in the wall voids
Third, treating wall voids can be accomplished by using the DELTAMETHRIN DUST and FORCE AEROSOL as explained in our article. As for the real concern, the soil surrounding the structure, you’ll need to set out BIFEN GRANULES and CYONARA SPRAY in these areas and if you treat enough, knock down their population to a point that very little will be able enter the home when they decide its time to up and migrate.
In summary, you’ll either have to get your service company to change what they’ve been doing if their effort is to help the cause. Alternatively, you can take a pro active stance yourself and start a complete elimination program using our product line. Either that or get a “handy man” to apply our products following the guidelines we have listed. Failure to comply means you will continue to have the massive invasion over and over following heavy rains in the spring and summer months.
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