I’m seeing a tiny flying black bug in my kitchen and breakfast room and we can’t figure out what it is. These are really small. It seems like we only see them when we eat but not every meal. These bugs seem to be attracted to salads and I think it’s the salad dressing. I say this because I don’t see them around my tomatoes or other produce unless the salad is cut up and served. My friend calls them vinegar flies but I don’t know about that. Any idea what I can do about these guys? I have no idea where they’re nesting so I’m at a loss. Thanks!
It sounds like you might have fungus flies. These are tiny black bugs and they fly. When they land they kind of stutter as they walk or move. Many times you can crush them before they fly away as they aren’t as skittish or aware as most any other fly to people and other predators. But obviously this isn’t an option when they’re landing on your food so something has to be done to stop them from nesting in the home.
The first thing I suggest is to try and identify where they are nesting. This is usually somewhere moist or wet. Common places include the soil of potted plants, sink or shower drain lines or any other available standing water.
If you suspect they’re coming from a sink, shower or tub, spray down the drain with CYKICK AEROSOL. This odorless spray will quickly kill all active stages and if you apply some 2-3 a week late at night prior to retiring, you should eliminate the problem after two weeks.
Now if you continue to have a problem after two weeks, you’ll need to supplement the treatment with SURVIVORS. This liquid will eliminate the food insects feed on generally found down any sink drain line. Use 2-4 oz per drain, once a week, and apply it late at night prior to retiring so the Survivors can sit in the drain overnight for at least 5 hours.
Now what if you’re not sure where they’re coming from? Then you’ll need to use a space spray.
Space sprays are designed to kill off anything flying in the air like gnats, flies, moths, noseeums, mosquitoes, etc. Treatments will work fast but they won’t last long. For example, AQUACIDE AEROSOL will kill anything flying in your kitchen or bedroom after spraying it for 5-8 seconds. And you can use it as often as is needed. So if you treat in the morning and notice new ones flying around later in the day, be sure to renew your treatment every time you find more. Following this routine, you should be able to eliminate them after 2-3 weeks.
For a more permanent solution, install an AEROSOL MACHINE for every 400 sq/ft of room and fill it with CLEAR ZONE. These machines run on batteries and will release a small amount of Clear Zone every 15 minutes. Clear Zone uses the same active as Aquacide so it will quickly kill anything flying around. But since the machine will continue to release product every 15 minutes, there will be a new amount of product constantly in the air ensuring newly hatching pests can’t survive.
Each can of Clear Zone will last about 30 days assuming you run it all the time. And in most cases, one can will be enough to solve the problem.
Give us a call toll free if you have further questions but for most fly problems, the solutions listed above will be what you’ll need to apply.
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray
justina nellis says
I have tiny black flies all over the place and can’t seem to get rid of them. What are they and how can I get rid of them?
Tech Support says
Any kind of flying pest can be controlled using one of the space sprays listed above like the Aquacide or Clear Zone. But if they’re coming up from the sink, get the PT-Cykick and Survivors for quick control.
Technical Support
U-Spray Bugspray