I’m overwhelmed; can you suggest something to get rid of the little “gnat like fruit flies…tiny, tiny” that fly around house plants and of course here and there around the room?
They are not out of control but the little bit that we have of them is causing a problem for folks around our office…I need to either figure out how to get rid of them, or all the plants have to go home.
Any thoughts?
I can easily take them all outside and spray them and then bring them back into the building – so I think that “chemicals” would be okay.
Thank you, thank you,
As the summer sets in, any moist soil can harbor all kinds of pests. Plant soil is particularly subject to all kinds of infestations including a wide range of small gnat like flies. Fungus flies, phorid flies, moth flies and drian flies are just a few of the species common to dirt and soil. Fortunately they’re easy to control with the right stuff.
The strongest agent out there would be the BIFEN CONCENTRATE. Odorless and long lasting, if you take the plants outside and give them a light spraying and a good “soil soaking”, you’ll take care of the problem for 1-2 months. You can also use the organic concentrate MULTI PURPOSE INSECT KILLER the same way. It won’t last nearly as long but it is organic and some people prefer this line.
Lastly, get a few cans of HOUSEHOLD PLANT INSECT KILLER and keep them ready to spray as needed in the home. This organic aerosol is safe to use inside and can be applied anytime and as often as is necessary.
Here are direct links to the information and products mentioned above:
Bifen IT: http://www.bugspray.com/item/bifen_it.html
Multi Insect Killer: http://www.non-toxic-pest-control.com/concentrates/multi-purpose-insect-killer-24-oz
Household Plant Spray: http://www.non-toxic-pest-control.com/aerosols/houseplant-insect-killer-10-oz
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