Excellent write up on springtail treatment. We have bunch of them outside, and I am buying the whole set of products to get rid of them from your website.
Though, we also see them in the kitchen sink. Can they live and breed in a garbage disposer? We have an older unit. How to treat that area? Also I see them in flowers pot, that is not too far from the kitchen sink. Any help is appreciated! Thanks!
They can’t live in the garbage disposal in general but can they migrate through the area and then up and into the sink? Yes. Also, I’ve seen areas in the home get problems “around” these locations meaning they’re not actually coming from the sink directly but rather the cabinet holding the sink. Remember, this area can get moist making it ideal for many pests including springtails. Throughout the home there are many locations like this including toilet bowls, sinks, tubs, hot tubs, spigots and basically anywhere water is active. If the location includes shade, it’s a great spot for springtails to thrive.
To treat the area you’ll need to focus up under the sink, where the incinerator is no doubt located, but above it where the sink itself fits into the cabinet. Treat with our low order PT-CYKICK AEROSOL making sure to get all the cracks and crevices. Do this in any area where you have activity around a water source or drain line.
Now if you have a septic tank or if the house is built on a slab, seeing springtails around these “moist” areas can happen without them having to live inside the home. This will happen because the path from the soil to up into the living area is short. When migrating, some will inevitably end up inside. Septic tanks can provide direct lines to inside the home and in both these cases, the only way you’ll reduce the amount seen inside the home is by getting the treatments done listed in our SPRINGTAIL CONTROL ARTICLE.
Here are direct links to the information and products listed above:
PT-Cykick: http://www.bugspraycart.com/insecticide/aerosol/pt-cykick-17-5-oz
Springtail Control: https://www.bugspray.net/blog/springtail-infestations-and-where-to-treat.html
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