Last September I went camping in PA and stayed at a campground near Gettysburg. I came back to NC with Stink bugs in my RV. Since I live in my RV full time, every time the weather warms some, I am finding them inside and active. I keep killing them and flushing them, but I can’t seem to find where they are living. I have checked the plumbing compartments, engine compartment, storage areas to no luck.
What would be your recommendation in getting rid of these pests once and for all?
Based on the fact that most RV’s are larger than a car, the infestation could be significant. We have helped people with problems like this in the past but these were in cars and not RV’s. See the following post for details of how to treat Stinkbugs in Car.
As it turns out, the treatments listed in the post above should work in your RV as well. But since that post we’ve also found another product that can help. PT-PHANTOM AEROSOL is pretty much odorless and works well for long term control of stubborn pests which make their way into tight locations. We’ve had people use it for stink bugs, box elder bugs and spiders and it’s worked quite well. It uses a new generation of active which is slow acting but highly effective. The net result is the target insect doesn’t seem to notice it so they readily walk over treated surfaces unknowingly. This is key. Since it takes a few days to work, insects tend to “share” it with one another. This is extremely helpful for pests like stinkbugs. By using a slower acting active you should be able to affect a lot more of the population with a single treatment. In the end, this could prove to be the difference maker is getting rid of them once and for all. And since it’s virtually odorless, it can be used both inside and outside. I suggest you apply it to any crack or crevice you can find on the outside since this is no doubt how they’re entering. By intercepting them before they get inside, you’ll see better long term results.
Lastly, you should set out at least one STINKBUG LIGHT TRAP in the area where you’re seeing them the most. This unit can run off 110 but can also be powered by batteries. Leave it running continuously so you’ll collect any the treatments miss.
Here are direct links to the information and products listed above:
Stinkbugs in car: https://www.bugspray.net/car/stinkbug-problem-in-car.html
PT-Phanton Aerosol: http://www.bugspraycart.com/insecticide/aerosol/pt-phantom-17-5oz
Stinkbug Light Trap: http://www.bugspraycart.com/traps/pheromone-and-food/asian-ladybug-light-trap
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